Results from the poll are in. What angelic power would you want?...Flight! Thanks to all who voted, new poll out soon!
Hey there! Welcome to my blog! This my second blog, following my blog "Blog of an Anime Artist". But this one is completely different. That's right, no soul society, no Mariya Yattamori, no Soul Reapers, nothing at all. Instead, I'm letting you look into one of my favorite sports, Indy Car Racing. So, if you love racing, cars, crashing, comedy, adventure, romance, and a few blasts from the past, then this is the Blog for you. If not, you're loss. So, enjoy and come back next Saturday when the next part is released! Thanks!
Maddie King
Main Character

Naomi Kingsfer: 5th Reincarnation and Guardian Angel
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Pit 17
Naomi's eyes blur as she tries to open them, blinded by the light that's all around her. As her vision begins to clear, she remembers what happened. She remembers the race and her almost crash, Calankaiana saving her from instant death and finishing the race for her, and how when she was given back control, imense pain filled her body, only to met by darkness probably only seconds later. She tries to move her hand to luckily find no pain at all, the same with her legs and neck. Slowly, she rises to a sitting position, and she looks around, now able to see everything clearly.
She's seen this room before. It's the medical center inside the track, one that she had visited earlier to talk to Kaylee, who wasn't feeling so well at the time. She looks down to see yet another IV stuck into her left arm, causing her to grunt, always beings the type that hated having to be stuck with needles. She looks to see that her bed is sectioned off by a yellow curtain, dividing her from the rest of the building, she looks down to see her firesuit gone, only in her sweets and black tee, nothing showing that she had just raced. Luckily, no one has taken off her fake opal and the necklace Alonsa probably gave her. She squizes it hard, wishing that Alonsa could come and explain to her what had happen to her.
Suddenly, she feels the pendant beginning to heat up in her fist. She opens her hand to find it glowing a slight dark blue color, and making a high humming type noise, though it doesn't move at all. She scratches her head in confusion, unable to figure out what is happening.
"This thing just gets weirder and weirder." Naomi says, starring at the pendant, her voice cracking slightly.
Without notice, the pendant shoots a large beam around the area, before it lands on the ground her right beside her bed. Within seconds, a form begins to build from the light on the ground, causing Naomi to become a little freaked out. But, as the thing continues to quickly form, she finds that she can tell what it is. But, before she can speak, the light bursts like glass, shattering to reveal Alonsa, shock by her appearance in front of Naomi.
"H-How did-When did-Why did-?" Alonsa mumbles, apparentlly just as stunned as Naomi.
"Well, that's weird." Naomi comments.
Alonsa whips her head up, and smiles when her eyes fall on Naomi.
"Naomi, you're awake!" Alonsa says as she hurries to the side of Naomi's bed, sitting next to her legs.
"Y-Yeah, I just woke up. And this thing just went wacko." Naomi says, holding up her pendant.
Alonsa looks confused.
"What do you mean?"
"The reason you're here is because of this thing."
"But how?"
"How the heck should I know. One second, it's acting perfectly normal, the next, it's shooting blue beams everywhere and makes you appear within seconds."
"Blu beams?"
"Yeah, blue beams, it was weird."
"So, you've already developed it."
"Huh? Developed what?"
"Your soul color."
"My soul wha?"
"You see, in each of your life times, you've had one color the resembled you throughout your life. For instance, when you lived as Calankaiana, your soul color was red." Alonsa explains.
"Ok, continue."
"When you were princess of Greece, your soul color was green, When Empress of Japan, purple, and while you were Countess of Spain, it was a orange/yellow."
"So, what is it now?" Naomi asks.
"Dark blue." Alonsa answers.
"How can you tell that?"
"You said that your pendant started shooting blue beams, and considering that you didn't say light blue, I'm gonna guess that they were dark blue."
"Alright, but what do those beams have to do with my soul color?"
"That pendant actually has a few powers in itself."
"It what?!"
"It has the power to transport objects that the wearer needs, as well as track family members and loved ones. As well as create a impenetrable shield or barrier once per day and track certain Spiritual Intuitions if needed."
"WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME THAT BEFORE!" Naomi shouts, irritated.
"Because I didn't know if you had enough power yet to trigger any of the abilities."
Naomi quiets.
"The fact that you probably use the ability to transport items, it means that your accident probably triggered your powers to come into fuller effect to keep you stable, if not alive during your time of unconsciousness."
"Huh?" Naomi says, confused.
"Your powers are greater because of your accident eariler today." Alonsa simplifies.
"Maybe they improved enough that next time, you can actually create a ball of fire, instead of whatever it was you made last time-"
"SHUT UP! It was my first time, so you have nor right to judge how my thing looked!" Naomi snaps.
"So you admit that it wasn't a ball-?"
"But you just said it was a "thing", not a ball, meaning that you didn't think it was a ball-"
"But you didn't call it a ball-"
"Alright, why can't you admit it wasn't a ball-?"
"Sorry, jeez."
\The two sit silent for a few minutes, before Naomi can no longer stand the awkward silence between them.
"Why didn't I ever see Calankaiana use it?" Naomi asks, surprising Alonsa.
Alonsa looks down.
"She was ashamed of being seen using it."
"To have to acquire the power of an object over using her own power and abilities made her feel like she was sacrificing her strengh to use an object like this. Another reason is that she only got it about a day or two before she died, so she never had the time to learn the true abilities of the pendant."
"That's so stupid."
"She sacrificed maybe avoiding death just to keep her strengh and pride the way she wanted it to appear to her people. She didn't even take into account that it might of saved Heru in the first place, if not stopped the abduction in the first place," Naomi explains, before chuckling, "But seeing as how she never did have the time to truly unleash it on anyone, I guess I can't really blame her for acting self-centered in the first place."
"Naomi..." Alonsa whispers.
Naomi yawns and falls back on the pillow.
"So, did I ever use the abilities in any of my other lives?"
"Actually, yes. While in Greece, you grew up owning the necklace, so you learned at a young age about it's abilities. It was the same occurance when you were living in Spain, and unlike with Calankaiana, you used it to it's full potential in both of those lives."
"What about my life in Japan?"
Alonsa falls silent.
"Hikahime hated violence, so she never wanted to learn about the necklaces powers, because she believed they would only cause harm to the people of Japan." Alonsa explains, "Though, ironically, she was the best swordsmen the land had ever seen, even surpassing those of the samurai at only the age of 13."
"Wow, that's impressive. At 13, I could only take apart a car and put it back together again." Naomi laughs, "Though it always looked different at the end. But I've gotten better over the years I guess."
Alonsa smiles.
"Yes, I always loved Hikahime's nature. It made me feel like she would be safer if she took the way of peace instead of violence."
Naomi watches as Alonsa's smiles disappears.
"But, in the end, she died just as Calankaiana and Icicene did, young and in vain."
"Alonsa..." Naomi whispers.
Alonsa forces a smile as she gets up from the side of Naomi's bed.
"Well, that's all in the past. Now, you're the one I have to worry about, so I'll have no time to think about the others before you." Alonsa says as she pats Naomi on the shoulder, then turns, "I'm going to go get the doctor so that you can get out of here."
"A-Alright." Naomi says as Alonsa pulls the curtain back, and disappears, her echoing footsteps eventually fading away into the distance.
Naomi sighs and stares up at the pendant in her hand.
"Calankaiana, Icicene, Hikahime, Liliana. Those were all my name once. Only one has a face to it, while the others are just ideas Alonsa has stuck into my mind with facts and her old memories. But, I do know something. I won't be another name, this time I'll succed."
She's seen this room before. It's the medical center inside the track, one that she had visited earlier to talk to Kaylee, who wasn't feeling so well at the time. She looks down to see yet another IV stuck into her left arm, causing her to grunt, always beings the type that hated having to be stuck with needles. She looks to see that her bed is sectioned off by a yellow curtain, dividing her from the rest of the building, she looks down to see her firesuit gone, only in her sweets and black tee, nothing showing that she had just raced. Luckily, no one has taken off her fake opal and the necklace Alonsa probably gave her. She squizes it hard, wishing that Alonsa could come and explain to her what had happen to her.
Suddenly, she feels the pendant beginning to heat up in her fist. She opens her hand to find it glowing a slight dark blue color, and making a high humming type noise, though it doesn't move at all. She scratches her head in confusion, unable to figure out what is happening.
"This thing just gets weirder and weirder." Naomi says, starring at the pendant, her voice cracking slightly.
Without notice, the pendant shoots a large beam around the area, before it lands on the ground her right beside her bed. Within seconds, a form begins to build from the light on the ground, causing Naomi to become a little freaked out. But, as the thing continues to quickly form, she finds that she can tell what it is. But, before she can speak, the light bursts like glass, shattering to reveal Alonsa, shock by her appearance in front of Naomi.
"H-How did-When did-Why did-?" Alonsa mumbles, apparentlly just as stunned as Naomi.
"Well, that's weird." Naomi comments.
Alonsa whips her head up, and smiles when her eyes fall on Naomi.
"Naomi, you're awake!" Alonsa says as she hurries to the side of Naomi's bed, sitting next to her legs.
"Y-Yeah, I just woke up. And this thing just went wacko." Naomi says, holding up her pendant.
Alonsa looks confused.
"What do you mean?"
"The reason you're here is because of this thing."
"But how?"
"How the heck should I know. One second, it's acting perfectly normal, the next, it's shooting blue beams everywhere and makes you appear within seconds."
"Blu beams?"
"Yeah, blue beams, it was weird."
"So, you've already developed it."
"Huh? Developed what?"
"Your soul color."
"My soul wha?"
"You see, in each of your life times, you've had one color the resembled you throughout your life. For instance, when you lived as Calankaiana, your soul color was red." Alonsa explains.
"Ok, continue."
"When you were princess of Greece, your soul color was green, When Empress of Japan, purple, and while you were Countess of Spain, it was a orange/yellow."
"So, what is it now?" Naomi asks.
"Dark blue." Alonsa answers.
"How can you tell that?"
"You said that your pendant started shooting blue beams, and considering that you didn't say light blue, I'm gonna guess that they were dark blue."
"Alright, but what do those beams have to do with my soul color?"
"That pendant actually has a few powers in itself."
"It what?!"
"It has the power to transport objects that the wearer needs, as well as track family members and loved ones. As well as create a impenetrable shield or barrier once per day and track certain Spiritual Intuitions if needed."
"WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME THAT BEFORE!" Naomi shouts, irritated.
"Because I didn't know if you had enough power yet to trigger any of the abilities."
Naomi quiets.
"The fact that you probably use the ability to transport items, it means that your accident probably triggered your powers to come into fuller effect to keep you stable, if not alive during your time of unconsciousness."
"Huh?" Naomi says, confused.
"Your powers are greater because of your accident eariler today." Alonsa simplifies.
"Maybe they improved enough that next time, you can actually create a ball of fire, instead of whatever it was you made last time-"
"SHUT UP! It was my first time, so you have nor right to judge how my thing looked!" Naomi snaps.
"So you admit that it wasn't a ball-?"
"But you just said it was a "thing", not a ball, meaning that you didn't think it was a ball-"
"But you didn't call it a ball-"
"Alright, why can't you admit it wasn't a ball-?"
"Sorry, jeez."
\The two sit silent for a few minutes, before Naomi can no longer stand the awkward silence between them.
"Why didn't I ever see Calankaiana use it?" Naomi asks, surprising Alonsa.
Alonsa looks down.
"She was ashamed of being seen using it."
"To have to acquire the power of an object over using her own power and abilities made her feel like she was sacrificing her strengh to use an object like this. Another reason is that she only got it about a day or two before she died, so she never had the time to learn the true abilities of the pendant."
"That's so stupid."
"She sacrificed maybe avoiding death just to keep her strengh and pride the way she wanted it to appear to her people. She didn't even take into account that it might of saved Heru in the first place, if not stopped the abduction in the first place," Naomi explains, before chuckling, "But seeing as how she never did have the time to truly unleash it on anyone, I guess I can't really blame her for acting self-centered in the first place."
"Naomi..." Alonsa whispers.
Naomi yawns and falls back on the pillow.
"So, did I ever use the abilities in any of my other lives?"
"Actually, yes. While in Greece, you grew up owning the necklace, so you learned at a young age about it's abilities. It was the same occurance when you were living in Spain, and unlike with Calankaiana, you used it to it's full potential in both of those lives."
"What about my life in Japan?"
Alonsa falls silent.
"Hikahime hated violence, so she never wanted to learn about the necklaces powers, because she believed they would only cause harm to the people of Japan." Alonsa explains, "Though, ironically, she was the best swordsmen the land had ever seen, even surpassing those of the samurai at only the age of 13."
"Wow, that's impressive. At 13, I could only take apart a car and put it back together again." Naomi laughs, "Though it always looked different at the end. But I've gotten better over the years I guess."
Alonsa smiles.
"Yes, I always loved Hikahime's nature. It made me feel like she would be safer if she took the way of peace instead of violence."
Naomi watches as Alonsa's smiles disappears.
"But, in the end, she died just as Calankaiana and Icicene did, young and in vain."
"Alonsa..." Naomi whispers.
Alonsa forces a smile as she gets up from the side of Naomi's bed.
"Well, that's all in the past. Now, you're the one I have to worry about, so I'll have no time to think about the others before you." Alonsa says as she pats Naomi on the shoulder, then turns, "I'm going to go get the doctor so that you can get out of here."
"A-Alright." Naomi says as Alonsa pulls the curtain back, and disappears, her echoing footsteps eventually fading away into the distance.
Naomi sighs and stares up at the pendant in her hand.
"Calankaiana, Icicene, Hikahime, Liliana. Those were all my name once. Only one has a face to it, while the others are just ideas Alonsa has stuck into my mind with facts and her old memories. But, I do know something. I won't be another name, this time I'll succed."
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Pit 16
The Devil, skilled in damning intentions,
Will be tested by young,
19 the lucky number,
And defeated by this maiden
Of Angelic heart,
Burned by scarlet flames,
Stabbed by sharp emerald head,
Slashed by Godly violet blade,
And sent away by healing sunlit hands
But will face four trials
Of truth and love,
If passed correct
Five will finally pass the test,
When five faces Devil strong,
With true love in hand
And gem fastened,
Mortal Guardian Angel will fly,
And save us all from destruction...
Naomi stares wide-eyed at Calankaiana, who floats above her now almost stopped car. She stares down at Naomi, her arms crossed in front of her chest, her expression that of disappointment.
"I expected more from you, Naomi. This is quite a displeasing situation you are in at the moment, my dear friend." Calankaiana says, getting down to be on the balls of her feet, still looking slightly downward at Naomi.
"Ca-Calankaiana, h-how are you-?" Naomi starts.
"Here? You imbecile, I have been with you this whole time. I might of died, but part of me will always stay with you, Naomi. I was not lying when I said that I will be here to guide you if you would need my assistance. I am not in the habit of lying, even in death." Calankaiana interrupts.
"B-But why now?"
"You are in a life or death situation Naomi, I also am not the type to allow people to die if I can do something to stop it. I think I displayed that quite well the last time you and I met in the past, my dear."
"What do?"
Naomi begins to feel consciousness fleeting.
"I will take your place, just until the end of this race. That is all I am sad to say I am capable of. After which, you must take back your place as the owner of this body, and continue living in this time period."
Naomi nods.
"Y-Yes...please. I don't want to disappoint Alonsa..." Naomi says as the world begins to fade.
Calankaiana nods as she begins to fade into red mist.
"Very well. I shall guide you to the finish." Calankaiana voice says on the wind.
Slowly, the mist begins to envelop Naomi, until suddenly she whips her head, up, her body now in the control of Calankaiana, the only difference is the red tint to her hazel eyes.
"Time Rerun." Calankaiana says in Naomi's voice.
Suddenly, time returns to normal, and the world around Calankaiana comes back to life, now racing by.
"NAOMI!" Andy yells through the mic.
"I'm good." Calankaiana says as she takes back control of the car.
With luck, she has a great enough lead that she still is number one when she turns into turn 8. As she drives, Fukayna's, no, Alonsa's voice passes through her mind.
...Naomi, what happened, are you ok?!...
"I am not Naomi." Calankaiana answers.
...Then who are you?! What have you done with Naomi?!...
She sighs.
"I am saddened by the fact that you do not recognize me Fu, I mean Alonsa. Considering that you and I just went our separate ways only days ago."
Alonsa is quiet for a few moments.
...You're, no, no, you couldn't be her...
"Be who, Alonsa?" Calankaiana asks.
Alonsa takes longer to answer this time.
...Is Naomi alright, Calankaiana?...
Calankaiana smiles, happy that Alonsa actually believes her.
"If I had not intervened when I did, the girl would be dead now. She seems to of been overwhelmed by a stronger power. And, if I am to guess, I would say that she is probably unconscious, if not comatose." Calankaiana answers, turining into turn 14.
...Please stay in control until after winner's circle...
Calankaiana looks confused.
"What is "winner's circle"? What does it do?"
...I'll tell you in a minute...
Calankaiana nods, and keeps driving, until she finally passes the finish line.
"Get to the winner's circle, Naomi. Mike's crew is waiting for you." Andy's voice cracks over her mic.
"Alright." Calankaiana answers.
Calankaiana watches as Alonsa's car drives by, rolling by to take place right in front of her.
...I'll lead you to the Winner's Circle...
"Thank you."
For a minute or two, the two drive until Alona pulls away, revealing the place everyone had been talking about, the Winner's Circle. As she drives up, she sees people with flashing boxes and larger bowes with glass looking front, not recognizing them at all.
"Gods have mercy." Calankaiana says a man takes out her steering wheel, freeing her from the car.
As she tries to get up, she sees Alonsa running up to her car, a fake smile on her face. She takes her hand and allows Alonsa to pull her out, before taking off her helmet and the thing over her hair. When she takes it off, she looks up to see Alonsa staring at her, as if she can't believe it's her.
"What?" Calankaiana asks.
Suddenly, Alonsa pulls Calankaiana close into a tight hug surprising her to a great extent.
"A-Alonsa?" Calankaiana says as she is still held.
"I never thought that you would walk on this Earth again, your Highness. I'm so glad to be in your pressence once more." Alonsa says.
Calankaiana slightly gasps, then chuckles and begins to hug her back, smiling.
"Oh, Fukayna, you have never changed, have you?" Calankaiana says as she's released by Alonsa, a spark of red flashing in her eyes.
Alonsa smiles and nods.
"Suppose not. But I will never be the super hyper type that you have become over the past almost two millennia, I'm afraid to say." Alonsa says, chuckling.
Calankaiana smiles as she's handed what she thinks is a hat. Alonsa quickly takes it and places it on Calankaiana's head.
"Try to act like Naomi as best you can." Alonsa whispers into Calankaiana's ear.
Calankaiana looks over at her and nods before turning to be bombarded by different people.
"Naomi, what was that loss of control with your car?!"
"Is it true that you almost fell unconscious at the wheel?"
"How does it feel be the first female since Danica to win a race?"
"What was your strategy for the race?"
The people around keep asking question after question, half of which she doesn't even know the answer to. Without knowing, she feels a hand in hers, pulling her away from the squabble. She looks up to see a young man Naomi might know. She turns towards Alonsa, a confused expression on her face.
"That's Andy. He's our team's strategist, as well as a team handy-man." Alonsa explains.
Calankaiana nods in understanding and turns back to face Andy.
"Where exactly are we going?" Calankaiana says in a voice that sounds exactly like Naomi's.
"Where do you think? To the Winner's Circle to get your award." Andy answers.
"Oh, o-of course."
Andy looks at her, suspicious.
"Is something wrong? You seem a little off for some reason." Andy asks.
"Uh, nothing, nothing at all."
Andy feels her forehead.
"Naomi, you're burning up. You need to see a doctor." Andy says as he starts to change direction.
Before he takes a step, Calankaiana pulls him back.
"Wait until after the award ceremony, please Andy." Calankaiana says.
Andy looks away from her, then sighs and turns back to look at her.
"Alright, but as soon as you're done talking with the press, I'm taking you straight to the medical center to get some medical attention, because at the moment, you look like you're about to pass out here and now. And, to tell you the truth, I'd rather not have to see you collapse." Andy answers.
"Thank you."
Andy turns and begins walking back towards the stage, Calankaiana and Alonsa following close behind with more press. As she walks up on stage with Alonsa and Will, she smiles happily, and waves at the people watching. Between this and the pressure of being perfect as Pharaoh, she finds this so much more free and easy to deal with. She turns to see a man with what she guesses is an award walking towards her. She thanks him and takes the award, before holding it over her head as confetti shoots from nearby, slightly surprising her. As she walks off of the stage, she finds her body beginning to feel more heavy and dank.
For the next few minutes, she's swarmed by different men and women, asking questions and congratulating her. As the time passes by, her eye sight begins to become blurry, and slowly her coordination begins to give out. Finally, she begins to fear she can no longer control Naomi's health-depleting body, and begins to look furiously for Alonsa. When she finally gets Alonsa in her sight, her ears begin to ring.
"A-Alonsa!" Calankaiana yells.
Alonsa doesn't seem to hear her and doesn't respond to Calankaiana's cries. Calankaiana stumbles after her, trying to keep Alonsa in her sight.
"Fu-Fukayna!" she yells, calling Alonsa by her egyptian name.
Luckily, this time, Alonsa responds to her voice. And her reaction is that of scared shock.
"Naomi!" Alonsa yells as she runs to her side, pulling her into the shadows of the stage.
"I am still in control, Alonsa. I am afraid that her body is beginning to effect me." Calankaiana says, beginning to pant.
"We need to get you to the medical center." Alonsa says as she pulls Calankaiana along.
Suddenly, a red aura begins to form around Calankaiana. Alonsa gasps as Calankaiana's spirit is suddenly pushed out of Naomi's body, surprising her. Naomi falls to her knees, beginning to cough dramatically. Alonsa quickly gets down to Naomi's side.
"Naomi, Naomi!" Alonsa says.
Naomi looks slightly up at her, the light almost diminished in her eyes.
"A-Alons..a. I don't feel so...great." Naomi whispers, her voiced cracked.
Calankaiana floats over.
"I am sorry, I could not keep control any longer." Calankaiana apologizes.
Naomi shakes her head.
"It's alright. You did...enough. I'm indebted" Naomi says before her body falls limp.
Alonsa holds her up, horrified. Quickly, she takes Naomi in her arms, and stands. Luckily, Andy is walking by just as she begins to stand.
"A-Andy!" Alonsa screams.
He turns, and his eyes widen as he lands his sight on Naomi. Without hesitation, he jumps over the nearby fence and sprints over to her side, Calankaiana still watching from a few feet away.
"Wha-What happened?!" Andy says as he stares at Naomi.
"She collapsed!" Alonsa answers.
Andy grits his teeth and quickly calls some code into a radio, before taking Naomi from Alonsa, and begins to sprint away from the two. Within a moment, a golf-cart looking vehicle speeds up to meet him and drives them off, sirens blasting off in the distance. Alonsa clenches her hands tight in fists.
"I've never been able to protect her. Even in the stupidest circumstances, I still fail." Alonsa says.
Calankaiana sighs and floats over to Alonsa's side. She places her hand over Alonsa's, surprising her.
"You are too hard on yourself. Naomi will be fine, she is just overwhelmed." Calankaiana says as she takes her hand off Alonsa's, "I can tell that Naomi is very special to you. I'm guessing she will be the one to truly full-fill the mission that I have been trying to achieve for apparently the last almost two millennia."
Alonsa stares as her in shock.
"It's amazing what you learn in death, is it not?"
"So, you know?"
"That is right. I know all about the mortal Guardian Angel prophesy. A quite amazing prophesy I must say. Very detailed indeed. But something does trouble me."
"What's that?"
"The fact that you didn't realize what part of it meant."
"What do you mean?"
Calankaiana looks over and sighs.
"But will face four trials,
Of truth and love,
If passed correct,
Five will finally pass the test" Calankaiana states.
"Why did you say that part of the prophecy?" Alonsa asks, confused.
Calankaiana turns towards her.
"You still do not see it?"
"The four trials means her 1st four lives." Calankaiana explains, "Don't you see? We were always meant to die. Nothing that you did could of change that."
Alonsa looks away, then smiles and chuckles.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For helping me finally realize it was never my fault."
Calankaiana smiles.
"Thank you."
Calankaiana caresses her cheek.
"Though I mainly here to guide Naomi, do not think I am not looking over you as well." Calankaiana says as she begins to fade, "Goodbye for now, my dear Fukayna. May we meet again before Naomi must carry out her destiny."
After moments, Calankaiana is nothing but scarlet mist, floating into nothingness in the slight breeze. Alonsa stares until she sighs and looks back down, and smiles.
"Even though your deaths were inevitable, I will be sure that if any life is lost, it's mine. I promise." Alonsa says, before her wings spread,and disappear again into the same nothingness as Calankaiana.
Will be tested by young,
19 the lucky number,
And defeated by this maiden
Of Angelic heart,
Burned by scarlet flames,
Stabbed by sharp emerald head,
Slashed by Godly violet blade,
And sent away by healing sunlit hands
But will face four trials
Of truth and love,
If passed correct
Five will finally pass the test,
When five faces Devil strong,
With true love in hand
And gem fastened,
Mortal Guardian Angel will fly,
And save us all from destruction...
Naomi stares wide-eyed at Calankaiana, who floats above her now almost stopped car. She stares down at Naomi, her arms crossed in front of her chest, her expression that of disappointment.
"I expected more from you, Naomi. This is quite a displeasing situation you are in at the moment, my dear friend." Calankaiana says, getting down to be on the balls of her feet, still looking slightly downward at Naomi.
"Ca-Calankaiana, h-how are you-?" Naomi starts.
"Here? You imbecile, I have been with you this whole time. I might of died, but part of me will always stay with you, Naomi. I was not lying when I said that I will be here to guide you if you would need my assistance. I am not in the habit of lying, even in death." Calankaiana interrupts.
"B-But why now?"
"You are in a life or death situation Naomi, I also am not the type to allow people to die if I can do something to stop it. I think I displayed that quite well the last time you and I met in the past, my dear."
"What do?"
Naomi begins to feel consciousness fleeting.
"I will take your place, just until the end of this race. That is all I am sad to say I am capable of. After which, you must take back your place as the owner of this body, and continue living in this time period."
Naomi nods.
"Y-Yes...please. I don't want to disappoint Alonsa..." Naomi says as the world begins to fade.
Calankaiana nods as she begins to fade into red mist.
"Very well. I shall guide you to the finish." Calankaiana voice says on the wind.
Slowly, the mist begins to envelop Naomi, until suddenly she whips her head, up, her body now in the control of Calankaiana, the only difference is the red tint to her hazel eyes.
"Time Rerun." Calankaiana says in Naomi's voice.
Suddenly, time returns to normal, and the world around Calankaiana comes back to life, now racing by.
"NAOMI!" Andy yells through the mic.
"I'm good." Calankaiana says as she takes back control of the car.
With luck, she has a great enough lead that she still is number one when she turns into turn 8. As she drives, Fukayna's, no, Alonsa's voice passes through her mind.
...Naomi, what happened, are you ok?!...
"I am not Naomi." Calankaiana answers.
...Then who are you?! What have you done with Naomi?!...
She sighs.
"I am saddened by the fact that you do not recognize me Fu, I mean Alonsa. Considering that you and I just went our separate ways only days ago."
Alonsa is quiet for a few moments.
...You're, no, no, you couldn't be her...
"Be who, Alonsa?" Calankaiana asks.
Alonsa takes longer to answer this time.
...Is Naomi alright, Calankaiana?...
Calankaiana smiles, happy that Alonsa actually believes her.
"If I had not intervened when I did, the girl would be dead now. She seems to of been overwhelmed by a stronger power. And, if I am to guess, I would say that she is probably unconscious, if not comatose." Calankaiana answers, turining into turn 14.
...Please stay in control until after winner's circle...
Calankaiana looks confused.
"What is "winner's circle"? What does it do?"
...I'll tell you in a minute...
Calankaiana nods, and keeps driving, until she finally passes the finish line.
"Get to the winner's circle, Naomi. Mike's crew is waiting for you." Andy's voice cracks over her mic.
"Alright." Calankaiana answers.
Calankaiana watches as Alonsa's car drives by, rolling by to take place right in front of her.
...I'll lead you to the Winner's Circle...
"Thank you."
For a minute or two, the two drive until Alona pulls away, revealing the place everyone had been talking about, the Winner's Circle. As she drives up, she sees people with flashing boxes and larger bowes with glass looking front, not recognizing them at all.
"Gods have mercy." Calankaiana says a man takes out her steering wheel, freeing her from the car.
As she tries to get up, she sees Alonsa running up to her car, a fake smile on her face. She takes her hand and allows Alonsa to pull her out, before taking off her helmet and the thing over her hair. When she takes it off, she looks up to see Alonsa staring at her, as if she can't believe it's her.
"What?" Calankaiana asks.
Suddenly, Alonsa pulls Calankaiana close into a tight hug surprising her to a great extent.
"A-Alonsa?" Calankaiana says as she is still held.
"I never thought that you would walk on this Earth again, your Highness. I'm so glad to be in your pressence once more." Alonsa says.
Calankaiana slightly gasps, then chuckles and begins to hug her back, smiling.
"Oh, Fukayna, you have never changed, have you?" Calankaiana says as she's released by Alonsa, a spark of red flashing in her eyes.
Alonsa smiles and nods.
"Suppose not. But I will never be the super hyper type that you have become over the past almost two millennia, I'm afraid to say." Alonsa says, chuckling.
Calankaiana smiles as she's handed what she thinks is a hat. Alonsa quickly takes it and places it on Calankaiana's head.
"Try to act like Naomi as best you can." Alonsa whispers into Calankaiana's ear.
Calankaiana looks over at her and nods before turning to be bombarded by different people.
"Naomi, what was that loss of control with your car?!"
"Is it true that you almost fell unconscious at the wheel?"
"How does it feel be the first female since Danica to win a race?"
"What was your strategy for the race?"
The people around keep asking question after question, half of which she doesn't even know the answer to. Without knowing, she feels a hand in hers, pulling her away from the squabble. She looks up to see a young man Naomi might know. She turns towards Alonsa, a confused expression on her face.
"That's Andy. He's our team's strategist, as well as a team handy-man." Alonsa explains.
Calankaiana nods in understanding and turns back to face Andy.
"Where exactly are we going?" Calankaiana says in a voice that sounds exactly like Naomi's.
"Where do you think? To the Winner's Circle to get your award." Andy answers.
"Oh, o-of course."
Andy looks at her, suspicious.
"Is something wrong? You seem a little off for some reason." Andy asks.
"Uh, nothing, nothing at all."
Andy feels her forehead.
"Naomi, you're burning up. You need to see a doctor." Andy says as he starts to change direction.
Before he takes a step, Calankaiana pulls him back.
"Wait until after the award ceremony, please Andy." Calankaiana says.
Andy looks away from her, then sighs and turns back to look at her.
"Alright, but as soon as you're done talking with the press, I'm taking you straight to the medical center to get some medical attention, because at the moment, you look like you're about to pass out here and now. And, to tell you the truth, I'd rather not have to see you collapse." Andy answers.
"Thank you."
Andy turns and begins walking back towards the stage, Calankaiana and Alonsa following close behind with more press. As she walks up on stage with Alonsa and Will, she smiles happily, and waves at the people watching. Between this and the pressure of being perfect as Pharaoh, she finds this so much more free and easy to deal with. She turns to see a man with what she guesses is an award walking towards her. She thanks him and takes the award, before holding it over her head as confetti shoots from nearby, slightly surprising her. As she walks off of the stage, she finds her body beginning to feel more heavy and dank.
For the next few minutes, she's swarmed by different men and women, asking questions and congratulating her. As the time passes by, her eye sight begins to become blurry, and slowly her coordination begins to give out. Finally, she begins to fear she can no longer control Naomi's health-depleting body, and begins to look furiously for Alonsa. When she finally gets Alonsa in her sight, her ears begin to ring.
"A-Alonsa!" Calankaiana yells.
Alonsa doesn't seem to hear her and doesn't respond to Calankaiana's cries. Calankaiana stumbles after her, trying to keep Alonsa in her sight.
"Fu-Fukayna!" she yells, calling Alonsa by her egyptian name.
Luckily, this time, Alonsa responds to her voice. And her reaction is that of scared shock.
"Naomi!" Alonsa yells as she runs to her side, pulling her into the shadows of the stage.
"I am still in control, Alonsa. I am afraid that her body is beginning to effect me." Calankaiana says, beginning to pant.
"We need to get you to the medical center." Alonsa says as she pulls Calankaiana along.
Suddenly, a red aura begins to form around Calankaiana. Alonsa gasps as Calankaiana's spirit is suddenly pushed out of Naomi's body, surprising her. Naomi falls to her knees, beginning to cough dramatically. Alonsa quickly gets down to Naomi's side.
"Naomi, Naomi!" Alonsa says.
Naomi looks slightly up at her, the light almost diminished in her eyes.
"A-Alons..a. I don't feel so...great." Naomi whispers, her voiced cracked.
Calankaiana floats over.
"I am sorry, I could not keep control any longer." Calankaiana apologizes.
Naomi shakes her head.
"It's alright. You did...enough. I'm indebted" Naomi says before her body falls limp.
Alonsa holds her up, horrified. Quickly, she takes Naomi in her arms, and stands. Luckily, Andy is walking by just as she begins to stand.
"A-Andy!" Alonsa screams.
He turns, and his eyes widen as he lands his sight on Naomi. Without hesitation, he jumps over the nearby fence and sprints over to her side, Calankaiana still watching from a few feet away.
"Wha-What happened?!" Andy says as he stares at Naomi.
"She collapsed!" Alonsa answers.
Andy grits his teeth and quickly calls some code into a radio, before taking Naomi from Alonsa, and begins to sprint away from the two. Within a moment, a golf-cart looking vehicle speeds up to meet him and drives them off, sirens blasting off in the distance. Alonsa clenches her hands tight in fists.
"I've never been able to protect her. Even in the stupidest circumstances, I still fail." Alonsa says.
Calankaiana sighs and floats over to Alonsa's side. She places her hand over Alonsa's, surprising her.
"You are too hard on yourself. Naomi will be fine, she is just overwhelmed." Calankaiana says as she takes her hand off Alonsa's, "I can tell that Naomi is very special to you. I'm guessing she will be the one to truly full-fill the mission that I have been trying to achieve for apparently the last almost two millennia."
Alonsa stares as her in shock.
"It's amazing what you learn in death, is it not?"
"So, you know?"
"That is right. I know all about the mortal Guardian Angel prophesy. A quite amazing prophesy I must say. Very detailed indeed. But something does trouble me."
"What's that?"
"The fact that you didn't realize what part of it meant."
"What do you mean?"
Calankaiana looks over and sighs.
"But will face four trials,
Of truth and love,
If passed correct,
Five will finally pass the test" Calankaiana states.
"Why did you say that part of the prophecy?" Alonsa asks, confused.
Calankaiana turns towards her.
"You still do not see it?"
"The four trials means her 1st four lives." Calankaiana explains, "Don't you see? We were always meant to die. Nothing that you did could of change that."
Alonsa looks away, then smiles and chuckles.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For helping me finally realize it was never my fault."
Calankaiana smiles.
"Thank you."
Calankaiana caresses her cheek.
"Though I mainly here to guide Naomi, do not think I am not looking over you as well." Calankaiana says as she begins to fade, "Goodbye for now, my dear Fukayna. May we meet again before Naomi must carry out her destiny."
After moments, Calankaiana is nothing but scarlet mist, floating into nothingness in the slight breeze. Alonsa stares until she sighs and looks back down, and smiles.
"Even though your deaths were inevitable, I will be sure that if any life is lost, it's mine. I promise." Alonsa says, before her wings spread,and disappear again into the same nothingness as Calankaiana.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Pit 15
March 15, 2011
Barber Motorsports Park
Naomi smiles as she begins to be buckled into her car, the sounds her making her feel even more pumped for the day's events. The crowd isn't as big as that, that she's used to seeing at the Indianapolis 500, but the fact that there is people makes her blood-pressure spike, adrenaline beginning to course it's way through her veins.
"You ready Naomi for another session?" Andy voice says through the mic in her helmet.
"I'm more ready then I've ever been, I just want this race to start already." Naomi says.
She hears Andy chuckle.
"Just remember, you don't have to overwork yourself too much, this is just the first race."
"I don't care. I'm gonna get a head start in becoming the points leader, so just watch me."
Andy sighs.
"You do know that this isn't even really a race, right?"
"So? Someone still wins, someone still looses. And so far, I'm winning."
"Barely, Will is only two behind you."
"And it's two that I'm counting on."
"Naomi, go, go, go!" a man says over her helmet.
Without regret, Naomi sits the gas and begins rolling, faster and faster with each second.
"You're lookin' great Naomi, how's the car feel? Still no problems?" Andy says over the mic, gaining back control of the mic.
"Driving great Andy, thanks."
"Hey Andy?"
"Can you switch my mic over to the broadcast?"
"Can't, Sorry."
"Dang it. Thanks anyway."
"Don't mention it. Now drive like the Devil's at your heels!"
"Got it!"
She presses harder on the gas, reeving her car further. Soon, Will, Heilo, and other drivers beginning filing in to the track. As she passes, she sees Alonsa's Burger King car roll onto the track right behind her.
"Hey partner." Alonsa voice says as it passes through her head, surprising Naomi slightly.
Naomi had forgotten Alonsa power of telepathy.
"Ello." Naomi answers.
"Here comes the green flag, girls." Andy says through the mic.
Flawlessly, Naomi positions her car right in front of Alonsa's car, right in the very front, as they begin to turn into the straight where the start is. When the green flag comes into sight, Naomi stomps hard on the gas, her car going faster then ever. Quickly, she passing over the line, finding that she's taken second to Will Power, who had somehow slipped passed her. She smiles.
"I'm not gonna give up that easy, Will." Naomi comments as she goes into the immediate turn.
For the first few laps of turns and twists, Naomi trails Will by only feet, not even a full car length. Half way through the 5th lap, she finally decides to stop playing. While in between turn 11 and 12, Naomi takes quickly to the inside while Will tries to stay tight to the middle. Which, within seconds, allows her to pass him into turn 12. And she stays in control for the next 30 laps of the entire race, watching about 4 cautions go by, allowing her to stay 1st.
"Great Naomi! Keep going! Only 10 laps remaining, and you'll be the 1st winner of the 2011 season" Andy yells.
"Right!" Naomi says, picking up her speed slightly.
...Naomi, there's someone trying to pass you on your left...
Alonsa's voice is right. From out of the corner of her eye, Naomi can see the right wing of another rookie's car. It's #66, Lucas Aarons, a boy that was maybe about Alonsa's fake age. Right now, he's third, only beating Helio for the rank by one run. Alonsa's voice comes back.
...Be careful. Something feels off...
"Off? What could be off about this guy?" Naomi says to herself, looking over at him while going coming out of turn 17 to the 1st straight.
Suddenly, as she spots his helmet, she feels loss of feeling in her arms, losing her concentration of the road. As her car slightly swerves, she somehow snaps back, able to get back in line turn 1. She pants, in shock from what just happened.
...What the heck...
"Naomi! What's wrong?! You alright?" She hears Andy yell through the mic, his tone worried.
"I-I'm fine." Naomi answers.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm not gonna let one mistake cost me the win."
She grits in irritation.
...What part of "Be careful", don't you get?...are you alright? What happened?...
Alonsa's voice sounds slightly irritated, but mostly worried.
"Don't know, I kinda blacked out for a sec and lost control." Naomi answers.
...try to look straight for the rest of the race, we only have 9 laps left...
"Kay, I'll try." Naomi says.
For another 5 laps, nothing happened. Naomi did as told and stayed looking forward, trying not to look to the side to give a dumb look at Will, who is still trailing. But, Lucas is close behind, and considering that her little incident happen right when he began lagging behind Will, she wasn't gonna take any chances. Aftershockas of the incident, though, were inescapable. Every, oh, 2 minutes, she lost the feeling in her arms for a moment, before it would return with a painful shock. Alonsa could sense her distress and quickly worked her way passed Heilo to take the place of 4th. Her calm voice is the only reason why Naomi hasn't called Andy for help yet.
...Naomi, there's only 4 laps left...all you have to do is tough it out for 4 more laps then you can get some medical attention...
"Alright." Naomi answers.
Two more laps pass. Slowly, the pain begins to subside, Naomi feeling better every minute 'til she almost feels normal again. But "almost" isn't good enough as she comes out of turn 7.
"Naomi on your left, #66 is about to pass!" Andy calls over the mic.
"What?!" Naomi says, forgetting all about Alonsa's warnings.
...Naomi, STOP!...
Alonsa's cry is too, late, Naomi already looking towards Lucas. Naomi's heartbeat rings in her ears, now loosing even more feeling in all her limbs. Her car begins to swerve erratically, seeing as how she is now impaired.
"Naomi! Can you hear me?! Naomi?!" Andy's voice calls over her mic.
"Andy..c-code 3, code 3!" Naomi says, calling one of the secret codes.
Though, this is one that no one wants to hear. Code 3, means that you can't drive and you're probably gonna crash. And, considering that what she will be crashing into is a large, unpadded area of concrete, she will at least be in a coma, if not killed, by the hard impact.
Alonsa's voice is tense and scared.
"S-Sorry Alonsa.." Naomi whispers, "Guess I can't defeat the Devil this time either..."
...Is this really how you plan on dying?...Knowing you as well as I think I do...this is truly pitiful Naomi...truly...
The voice shocks Naomi back to a living consciousness. She looks up, to see the world around moving slower, even for her supposedly slowing car, it's pretty strange, considering that she could proably stand up and sit back down before she moved a whole three feet. She looks up, and her eyes widen, stunned.
Floating in front of her is a being, dressed in the most elegant of ancient clothing. A crown sits on their head, matching the gold bands cuffed on their upper arms and ankles, as well as their jewelry. Strong, hazel eyes stare deep into her core, causing her heart to skip a beat.
"I told you to call in times of need, Naomi, remember?" the being says, smirking.
The shock within Naomi is slightly released as she finally finds the strengh to speak, her voice though cracked with stunned amazement.
"Ca-Calankaiana...?" Naomi whispers.
Barber Motorsports Park
Naomi smiles as she begins to be buckled into her car, the sounds her making her feel even more pumped for the day's events. The crowd isn't as big as that, that she's used to seeing at the Indianapolis 500, but the fact that there is people makes her blood-pressure spike, adrenaline beginning to course it's way through her veins.
"You ready Naomi for another session?" Andy voice says through the mic in her helmet.
"I'm more ready then I've ever been, I just want this race to start already." Naomi says.
She hears Andy chuckle.
"Just remember, you don't have to overwork yourself too much, this is just the first race."
"I don't care. I'm gonna get a head start in becoming the points leader, so just watch me."
Andy sighs.
"You do know that this isn't even really a race, right?"
"So? Someone still wins, someone still looses. And so far, I'm winning."
"Barely, Will is only two behind you."
"And it's two that I'm counting on."
"Naomi, go, go, go!" a man says over her helmet.
Without regret, Naomi sits the gas and begins rolling, faster and faster with each second.
"You're lookin' great Naomi, how's the car feel? Still no problems?" Andy says over the mic, gaining back control of the mic.
"Driving great Andy, thanks."
"Hey Andy?"
"Can you switch my mic over to the broadcast?"
"Can't, Sorry."
"Dang it. Thanks anyway."
"Don't mention it. Now drive like the Devil's at your heels!"
"Got it!"
She presses harder on the gas, reeving her car further. Soon, Will, Heilo, and other drivers beginning filing in to the track. As she passes, she sees Alonsa's Burger King car roll onto the track right behind her.
"Hey partner." Alonsa voice says as it passes through her head, surprising Naomi slightly.
Naomi had forgotten Alonsa power of telepathy.
"Ello." Naomi answers.
"Here comes the green flag, girls." Andy says through the mic.
Flawlessly, Naomi positions her car right in front of Alonsa's car, right in the very front, as they begin to turn into the straight where the start is. When the green flag comes into sight, Naomi stomps hard on the gas, her car going faster then ever. Quickly, she passing over the line, finding that she's taken second to Will Power, who had somehow slipped passed her. She smiles.
"I'm not gonna give up that easy, Will." Naomi comments as she goes into the immediate turn.
For the first few laps of turns and twists, Naomi trails Will by only feet, not even a full car length. Half way through the 5th lap, she finally decides to stop playing. While in between turn 11 and 12, Naomi takes quickly to the inside while Will tries to stay tight to the middle. Which, within seconds, allows her to pass him into turn 12. And she stays in control for the next 30 laps of the entire race, watching about 4 cautions go by, allowing her to stay 1st.
"Great Naomi! Keep going! Only 10 laps remaining, and you'll be the 1st winner of the 2011 season" Andy yells.
"Right!" Naomi says, picking up her speed slightly.
...Naomi, there's someone trying to pass you on your left...
Alonsa's voice is right. From out of the corner of her eye, Naomi can see the right wing of another rookie's car. It's #66, Lucas Aarons, a boy that was maybe about Alonsa's fake age. Right now, he's third, only beating Helio for the rank by one run. Alonsa's voice comes back.
...Be careful. Something feels off...
"Off? What could be off about this guy?" Naomi says to herself, looking over at him while going coming out of turn 17 to the 1st straight.
Suddenly, as she spots his helmet, she feels loss of feeling in her arms, losing her concentration of the road. As her car slightly swerves, she somehow snaps back, able to get back in line turn 1. She pants, in shock from what just happened.
...What the heck...
"Naomi! What's wrong?! You alright?" She hears Andy yell through the mic, his tone worried.
"I-I'm fine." Naomi answers.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm not gonna let one mistake cost me the win."
She grits in irritation.
...What part of "Be careful", don't you get?...are you alright? What happened?...
Alonsa's voice sounds slightly irritated, but mostly worried.
"Don't know, I kinda blacked out for a sec and lost control." Naomi answers.
...try to look straight for the rest of the race, we only have 9 laps left...
"Kay, I'll try." Naomi says.
For another 5 laps, nothing happened. Naomi did as told and stayed looking forward, trying not to look to the side to give a dumb look at Will, who is still trailing. But, Lucas is close behind, and considering that her little incident happen right when he began lagging behind Will, she wasn't gonna take any chances. Aftershockas of the incident, though, were inescapable. Every, oh, 2 minutes, she lost the feeling in her arms for a moment, before it would return with a painful shock. Alonsa could sense her distress and quickly worked her way passed Heilo to take the place of 4th. Her calm voice is the only reason why Naomi hasn't called Andy for help yet.
...Naomi, there's only 4 laps left...all you have to do is tough it out for 4 more laps then you can get some medical attention...
"Alright." Naomi answers.
Two more laps pass. Slowly, the pain begins to subside, Naomi feeling better every minute 'til she almost feels normal again. But "almost" isn't good enough as she comes out of turn 7.
"Naomi on your left, #66 is about to pass!" Andy calls over the mic.
"What?!" Naomi says, forgetting all about Alonsa's warnings.
...Naomi, STOP!...
Alonsa's cry is too, late, Naomi already looking towards Lucas. Naomi's heartbeat rings in her ears, now loosing even more feeling in all her limbs. Her car begins to swerve erratically, seeing as how she is now impaired.
"Naomi! Can you hear me?! Naomi?!" Andy's voice calls over her mic.
"Andy..c-code 3, code 3!" Naomi says, calling one of the secret codes.
Though, this is one that no one wants to hear. Code 3, means that you can't drive and you're probably gonna crash. And, considering that what she will be crashing into is a large, unpadded area of concrete, she will at least be in a coma, if not killed, by the hard impact.
Alonsa's voice is tense and scared.
"S-Sorry Alonsa.." Naomi whispers, "Guess I can't defeat the Devil this time either..."
...Is this really how you plan on dying?...Knowing you as well as I think I do...this is truly pitiful Naomi...truly...
The voice shocks Naomi back to a living consciousness. She looks up, to see the world around moving slower, even for her supposedly slowing car, it's pretty strange, considering that she could proably stand up and sit back down before she moved a whole three feet. She looks up, and her eyes widen, stunned.
Floating in front of her is a being, dressed in the most elegant of ancient clothing. A crown sits on their head, matching the gold bands cuffed on their upper arms and ankles, as well as their jewelry. Strong, hazel eyes stare deep into her core, causing her heart to skip a beat.
"I told you to call in times of need, Naomi, remember?" the being says, smirking.
The shock within Naomi is slightly released as she finally finds the strengh to speak, her voice though cracked with stunned amazement.
"Ca-Calankaiana...?" Naomi whispers.
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