Naomi blinks as visions and memories run through her mind. Memories that seemed to belong to Calankaiana. The King Rashidi, a proud, caring father who had a strong relationship with his daughter and laughable sense of humor. The beautiful Queen Nathifa, who was loving and kind, graceful and majestic in her own way, who cared deeply for her people, as well as Calankaiana. The memory of her death is tragic, to see the King weeping was a rare occurance in Calankaiana's eyes. Her heart seems to be torn with sadness as the memory of the Queen's funeral rolls past. Surprise then takes place when she notices the confusion and fear in Calankaiana's mind when her father told her that she was soon taking the throne. The distant heartbeat beats through Naomi's ears as she sees the day of Calankaiana's coronation, dancers and small talk whizzing past her mind.
When all the other memories past, Naomi finds herself in another room, a much larger room to say the least. The room is at least 50 by 50 feet wide, and a one end is a large walk up thrones, where Calankaiana sits in one. A few feet away is Fukayna with a elaborately dressed man, who's really cute.
"This is something I'll never forget." Alonsa says, appearing next to Naomi.
"What?" Naomi asks.
"The final suitor." Alonsa answers.
"Your Highness, it is truly an honor to stand in your presence." the man says, bowing.
"Thank you, now, why have you come to my palace today?" Calankaiana asks, trying to sound as nice as possible.
"My Queen, I would like to ask the beauty in front of me to take my hand in marriage. I will bestow all the riches of the world on you and make sure you are taken care of all of your life. Please, do me the honor and let me be your king." the man says, gesturing to the great pile of treasures behind him on a golden cart held by two men, probably slaves.
"Dang, that's a lot to ask, considering he just met her." Naomi asks, fuming a little on the inside.
"It's how life was. If you were of age, a man of high wealth could ask your parents for your hand and accept without your consent. Beautiful women were more of a prize then a partner in life." Alonsa explains.
"But the King and Queen loved each other." Naomi says.
"And their luck of finding each other was great. But endings like that were rare in these times." Alonsa remarks.
"First, tell me a few things, Lord Chuma." Calankaiana says, interrupting Alonsa's and Naomi's debate.
"Like what Your Highness?" Chuma asks.
"What is it that you like about me?" she asks.
"Well, what is not to like? You are more beautiful then the full moon on a crystal clear night. You have the power to lead any country and have kept this country in peace for three years, ending the great war that your parents could not." Chuma starts.
"Wait, she did what?!" Naomi says.
"When you took the throne of Egypt, there was a great war occurring that had taken place since the year before your birth, which is why you were given the name Mukantagara, which means born during war. After you were given the crown, you traveled in secret to meet with the leader of the land we were fighting. You tried to compromise, but they refused. So, with 800 soldiers you had brought along, you ambushed the King of that country and killed him, ultimately winning the war for Egypt. Soon after, we annexed the civilization into Egypt. Since, all this country had known is prosper and peace, and no one had threatened since, for they feared your great knowledge and power." Alonsa explains.
"I did that?!" Naomi says as she looks back down at Calankaiana, who she now believes is herself in past.
"Continue." Calankaiana says.
"You are also as slender as a young palm, a very attractive figure and lovely and elegant in anything that is bestowed on your clear olive skin." Chuma continues.
Calankaiana and Naomi make the same subtle look of disgust at the remark as man bows again.
"O...kay..." Calankaiana says in a way Naomi would.
"And you have all the treasure in the world. No one is a rich as you. But, only combined with mine, will your's become the greatest of all." Chuma says.
That line broke his chance in both Naomi's and Calankaiana's eyes.
"Leave, I refuse your offer." Calankaiana says as she makes a wave like gesture with her hand.
"But why, My Lady? I can give you anything you desire, just name it-"
"What is it that you think I am, a dumb-founded idiot? Answer this, in truth, which is worth more, gold in the hand or the hand of a human being?" Calankaiana yells, cutting him off.
Lord Chuma is taken back by the question, and hesitates. Naomi is insulted by the fact that this man could think of weighing gold over a living being.
"Take him away." Calankaiana orders as the Lord still thinks.
Two muscled men step from the shadows of the throne and take one arm each of the man. The Lord tussles and pulls, trying to get free, but fails. As he grunts and snears, he looks back up at Calankaiana.
"You will become mine, you will!" the Lord yells as the men pull him out, his slaves following with the cart close behind.
Calankaiana sighs as she gets up.
"My Lady, why did you send him off?" Fukayna says as Calankaiana walk to balcony left of the throne.
"His only interest was fortune. He even weighed a human against it. It makes me sick." Calankaiana answers as she comes to lean on the wall of the balcony.
"Queen Calankaiana, that was probably your last chance!" Fukayna yells
"I don't care! Now leave me alone!" Calankaiana says as she walks quickly from the throne room.
"My Lady!" Nenet calls after her.
Alonsa and Naomi look at each other, then follow Calankaiana as she walks to her bedroom. Naomi watches in amazement as Calankaiana quickly takes off her clothes, then puts on a dress similar to what she was just wearing, except it doesn't have the arm drapes and the collar and choker are less decorated. Also the skirt goes all the way down in the front unlike how the other transcened down from behind the piece of cloth. As Naomi looks at her, she notices that she doesn't take off the necklace like she does her crown, she just hides it under the cloth of the shirt part of the dress.
"She's trying to look like a servant." Alonsa states.
"Why?" Naomi asks.
"It's her only way to get out and be a teenager." Alonsa answers.
Naomi looks surprised as they watch her leave the room, soon following close behind. She stays quiet as they follow her threw a few passage ways until the end up in the stable area. Canlankaiana looks around until she spots a brown horse eating hay nearby. She grins as she walks over and begins to pat it's neck as it lifts it's head.
"Hey Lotus, how are you doing today?" Calankaiana says as the horse neighs happily.
"That's her own horse. Saved her when Lotus was only a foul." Alonsa states.
"How cute, I love her!" Naomi says as she floats down to be right in front of the mare.
"Of course, considering she is you." Alonsa remarks.
"What happened to you?!" they hear Calankaiana yell.
They turn and see her staring at a gash in Lotus' side. It's wet and dripping, meaning it just happened. Suddenly Lotus gestures her head to the right. Calankaiana notices quickly and looks over the mare's back and gasps. Three men on horses are galloping straight for them. Without thinking, Calankaiana jumps gracefully onto Lotus' back and kicks at her flanks, causing the mare to rear, then start into a fast gallop.
"C'mon, we need to follow and help!" Naomi yells as she flies after Calankaiana.
"Hold on! Remember, we can't do anything here. Only Calankaiana can see us, that's it!" Alonsa yells after her.
"We have to be able to do something!" Naomi yells back to her.
"We don't have to, look." Alonsa says as she gestures to Calankaiana.
Naomi looks back towards Calankaiana and gasps. She has turned Lotus around to face the men, a light ball in her left hand as she clutches Lotus' mane with the other. And, as Naomi looks closer, she notices that Calankaiana are glowing a bright red.
"Is that fire?" Naomi asks.
"No, it's your first special attack." Alonsa answers
"What?" Naomi yells back.
Before Alonsa can respond, Naomi is gaping at Calankaiana as the ball in her hand grows larger and seems to be sparking like electricity.
"SEKHMET LIGHTNING INFERNO!" Calakainana yells as she thrusts the soccer-ball sized fire ball over her head towards the approaching men.
As it lands, the horses the men are on rear and panic, but it's too late to calm them. The ball hits one directly, a fire ball consuming him then sending shocks of lightning into his body, ultimately killing him.
"Who's Sekhmet?" Naomi asks.
"She's the goddess of fire, destruction, and war." Calankaiana answers.
"Wait, you can still see us?!" Naomi yells, surprised that Calankaiana answered her question.
"Yes, but I have been ignoring you so that no one starts to suspect that you are here." Calankaiana explains.
"Oh," Naomi says, finding the conversation with herself a little weird and awkward.
Suddenly, they hear galloping behind them. They each turn and gasp. Somehow though, the other two were uneffected and are still coming, surprising Naomi, Alonsa, and Calankaiana.
"Go! We cannot attack again, go! Go!" Calankaiana yells to Lotus, including Alonsa and Naomi.
"Why can't you just hit them with another of those fire balls?!" Naomi yells.
"I used a lot of my energy to make it. I thought I was hit all of them, so I had to make it more of a punch. I won't be able to make another attack for about 10 more minutes." Calankaiana says as she kicks at Lotus' side and turns her to gallop right past the other men, who quickly turn and begin to follow again.
"Well, that's just great." Naomi comments.
Then, Lotus' foot hits a uprooted rock and trips, sending Calankaiana flying off Lotus' right flank.
"Calankaiana!" Naomi yells as Calankaiana skids onto the ground, almost hitting the stable wall.
The men near, thrusting two swords in the air as Naomi realizes Calankaiana is unconscious.
"What do we do?! I don't feel like seeing myself die!!" Naomi yells as kneels over Calankaiana.
"Just wait!" Alonsa yells standing on the other side of Calankaiana.
"For what?! For them to plunge those swords into her heart?!" Naomi snaps back, unusually protective of Calankaiana.
Then sudden sound of panicked neighs and hard falls causes Naomi to turn and gasp. Both of the horsemen are laying on the ground, their horses laying on their sides.
"Stay away from the girl and leave at once!" Naomi hears a boy yell.
Suddenly a man, around Calankaiana's and Naomi's age, runs in front of Calankaiana, a sword in his hand.
"Who's that?" Naomi says.
Before Alonsa can answer, they notice Calankaiana beginning to come to.
"We need to leave, now!" Alonsa yells as she grabs Naomi wrists and thrusts her orange wings, sending them flying about 50 feet in the air.
"Why are you doing this?" Naomi yells.
"Just watch." Alonsa orders.
Naomi rolls her eyes as she looks back down at Calankaiana, who's now sitting up. The boy is now fighting one of the men with his sword as the other stands up. Realizing the situation, Calankaiana takes the handle of one of the swords the men had dropped and stands up. She runs over and thrusts her sword down over the open man's head, who quickly defends himself with another sword. Both Calankaiana and the boy step back to be back to back, holding their swords in front of them.
"Pounce them on three?" Calankaiana says.
"Good with me." the boy says.
The men beginning running at them, their swords over their heads.
"One." she says
"Two." he says
"Three!" they both say.
They both running at full speed and perry the men's attacks.
Within minutes, both of the men are on the ground, bleeding and pretty much dead. Calankaiana and the boy are panting, holding their blood stained swords tight in their fists.
"Well, I guess we won." the boy says.
"Yes, um, thank you for coming to my defense." Calankaiana says.
"It is alright, I hate it when men try to attack women when they aren't prepared for battle. It's ultimately disgracing."
"So you think girls shouldn't be allowed into battle?" Calankaiana says.
"No, I think anyone could be a great warrior. I just think it's wrong when you attack a girl who's done nothing to deserve it, that's all." he explains.
"Good answer." Calankaiana says as she begins to walk away.
Suddenly, an arm thrusts itself around her neck and turns her back towards the boy.
"Hey!" the boy yells, bringing his sword to his side.
"Put the sword down." a deep voice says as a knife comes to Calankaiana's neck.
The boy stops immediately, and the voice begins to chuckle darkly as he steps out of the shadows to reveal he's dark clothed man.
"If you do not do what I say, the girl dies." the man say, pressing the knife close to her skin, causing blood to trickle.
The sight of Calankaiana's blood causes the boy to immediately fume with anger, but he drops the sword anyway, and walks closer to the man.
"Stay still girl..." he says.
"What?" the cloaked man says.
Suddenly the older cloaked man jolts and releases Calankaiana, who is caught by the boy. From Naomi's angle, she just now sees a large dagger in the cloaked man's upper left side, where his heart is. He falls heavily to the ground as the boy thrusts the sword out of the man and jumps back a few feet. Calankaiana clutches the boy tightly and seems to be blushing. When Naomi sees his face, she knows why. He's cute.
He has shaggy blonde hair with bangs that fall handsomely over his green eyes. He's muscular, but not over muscular, and is about 6 feet tall.
"Dang, he's HOTT!" Naomi says as she floats lower down to get a better look.
"I thought you would say that." Alonsa says.
"Are you alright?" the boy asks as he sits Calankaiana down on the ground in the shade of a nearby palm tree.
"Uh, um, I am fine, just a scratch." she answers.
"That man made you bleed, I am sorry I did not see him before he-"
"It is alright, you won, did you not? I see you as a victor, not a fool." Calankaiana says as she moves some of the bangs from in front of his eyes, "I have met many men in my lifetime who would of let me die instead of help me. You are a hero in my eyes, remember that."
"Thank you." he says.
"What is your name?" she asks.
"I am Heru. I work as a stable hand for the Queen." he answers, "Who are you?"
"You do not know who I am?" Calankaiana says, surprise in her voice.
"No, should I?" Heru asks.
"No, of course not. Um, I am Monifa." Calankaiana says.
"What?! Monifa?" Naomi repeats.
"Monifa, huh?" Heru says.
"Wait, I cannot lie. I am Mukantagara." Calankaiana says.
"Mukantagara...wait a minute. That means that you are-" Heru thinks.
"Shh! Please keep your voice down." she says.
"I just saved the Queen." Heru says, "You are Queen Calankaiana."
"Yes." Calankaiana says, "I am sorry for disturbing you. Goodbye."
She begins to stand when Heru takes her wrists and gently pulls her back down.
"Wait, please." he says.
"What?" she asks she notices now holding her hand, causing her to blush.
"Why did you come down here by yourself?" he asks.
"Because I did not want my lady in waiting breathing down my neck about picking a husband." Calankaiana snaps.
Heru shuts up, and Calankaiana realizes what she's done.
"I am sorry, she is just getting on my nerves. I did not mean to yell at you. You have done nothing but help me today, please accept my apology." Calankaiana says.
"It is alright. I must get back to work, thank you." Heru says as he helps her up.
"Thank you, for what?" she asks.
"For letting me meet you. It was nice to meet a true caring girl for once who doesn't just care about her looks, and can actually act as her own person." Heru says as he walks away, not letting her hand go 'til the last second.
Calankaiana silently gasps as she watches him disappear with Lotus. She holds her hand close to her, her cheeks blushing insanely.
"Heru...," she says, then smiling, the wind beginning to blow, "You answered perfectly..."
When all the other memories past, Naomi finds herself in another room, a much larger room to say the least. The room is at least 50 by 50 feet wide, and a one end is a large walk up thrones, where Calankaiana sits in one. A few feet away is Fukayna with a elaborately dressed man, who's really cute.
"This is something I'll never forget." Alonsa says, appearing next to Naomi.
"What?" Naomi asks.
"The final suitor." Alonsa answers.
"Your Highness, it is truly an honor to stand in your presence." the man says, bowing.
"Thank you, now, why have you come to my palace today?" Calankaiana asks, trying to sound as nice as possible.
"My Queen, I would like to ask the beauty in front of me to take my hand in marriage. I will bestow all the riches of the world on you and make sure you are taken care of all of your life. Please, do me the honor and let me be your king." the man says, gesturing to the great pile of treasures behind him on a golden cart held by two men, probably slaves.
"Dang, that's a lot to ask, considering he just met her." Naomi asks, fuming a little on the inside.
"It's how life was. If you were of age, a man of high wealth could ask your parents for your hand and accept without your consent. Beautiful women were more of a prize then a partner in life." Alonsa explains.
"But the King and Queen loved each other." Naomi says.
"And their luck of finding each other was great. But endings like that were rare in these times." Alonsa remarks.
"First, tell me a few things, Lord Chuma." Calankaiana says, interrupting Alonsa's and Naomi's debate.
"Like what Your Highness?" Chuma asks.
"What is it that you like about me?" she asks.
"Well, what is not to like? You are more beautiful then the full moon on a crystal clear night. You have the power to lead any country and have kept this country in peace for three years, ending the great war that your parents could not." Chuma starts.
"Wait, she did what?!" Naomi says.
"When you took the throne of Egypt, there was a great war occurring that had taken place since the year before your birth, which is why you were given the name Mukantagara, which means born during war. After you were given the crown, you traveled in secret to meet with the leader of the land we were fighting. You tried to compromise, but they refused. So, with 800 soldiers you had brought along, you ambushed the King of that country and killed him, ultimately winning the war for Egypt. Soon after, we annexed the civilization into Egypt. Since, all this country had known is prosper and peace, and no one had threatened since, for they feared your great knowledge and power." Alonsa explains.
"I did that?!" Naomi says as she looks back down at Calankaiana, who she now believes is herself in past.
"Continue." Calankaiana says.
"You are also as slender as a young palm, a very attractive figure and lovely and elegant in anything that is bestowed on your clear olive skin." Chuma continues.
Calankaiana and Naomi make the same subtle look of disgust at the remark as man bows again.
"O...kay..." Calankaiana says in a way Naomi would.
"And you have all the treasure in the world. No one is a rich as you. But, only combined with mine, will your's become the greatest of all." Chuma says.
That line broke his chance in both Naomi's and Calankaiana's eyes.
"Leave, I refuse your offer." Calankaiana says as she makes a wave like gesture with her hand.
"But why, My Lady? I can give you anything you desire, just name it-"
"What is it that you think I am, a dumb-founded idiot? Answer this, in truth, which is worth more, gold in the hand or the hand of a human being?" Calankaiana yells, cutting him off.
Lord Chuma is taken back by the question, and hesitates. Naomi is insulted by the fact that this man could think of weighing gold over a living being.
"Take him away." Calankaiana orders as the Lord still thinks.
Two muscled men step from the shadows of the throne and take one arm each of the man. The Lord tussles and pulls, trying to get free, but fails. As he grunts and snears, he looks back up at Calankaiana.
"You will become mine, you will!" the Lord yells as the men pull him out, his slaves following with the cart close behind.
Calankaiana sighs as she gets up.
"My Lady, why did you send him off?" Fukayna says as Calankaiana walk to balcony left of the throne.
"His only interest was fortune. He even weighed a human against it. It makes me sick." Calankaiana answers as she comes to lean on the wall of the balcony.
"Queen Calankaiana, that was probably your last chance!" Fukayna yells
"I don't care! Now leave me alone!" Calankaiana says as she walks quickly from the throne room.
"My Lady!" Nenet calls after her.
Alonsa and Naomi look at each other, then follow Calankaiana as she walks to her bedroom. Naomi watches in amazement as Calankaiana quickly takes off her clothes, then puts on a dress similar to what she was just wearing, except it doesn't have the arm drapes and the collar and choker are less decorated. Also the skirt goes all the way down in the front unlike how the other transcened down from behind the piece of cloth. As Naomi looks at her, she notices that she doesn't take off the necklace like she does her crown, she just hides it under the cloth of the shirt part of the dress.
"She's trying to look like a servant." Alonsa states.
"Why?" Naomi asks.
"It's her only way to get out and be a teenager." Alonsa answers.
Naomi looks surprised as they watch her leave the room, soon following close behind. She stays quiet as they follow her threw a few passage ways until the end up in the stable area. Canlankaiana looks around until she spots a brown horse eating hay nearby. She grins as she walks over and begins to pat it's neck as it lifts it's head.
"Hey Lotus, how are you doing today?" Calankaiana says as the horse neighs happily.
"That's her own horse. Saved her when Lotus was only a foul." Alonsa states.
"How cute, I love her!" Naomi says as she floats down to be right in front of the mare.
"Of course, considering she is you." Alonsa remarks.
"What happened to you?!" they hear Calankaiana yell.
They turn and see her staring at a gash in Lotus' side. It's wet and dripping, meaning it just happened. Suddenly Lotus gestures her head to the right. Calankaiana notices quickly and looks over the mare's back and gasps. Three men on horses are galloping straight for them. Without thinking, Calankaiana jumps gracefully onto Lotus' back and kicks at her flanks, causing the mare to rear, then start into a fast gallop.
"C'mon, we need to follow and help!" Naomi yells as she flies after Calankaiana.
"Hold on! Remember, we can't do anything here. Only Calankaiana can see us, that's it!" Alonsa yells after her.
"We have to be able to do something!" Naomi yells back to her.
"We don't have to, look." Alonsa says as she gestures to Calankaiana.
Naomi looks back towards Calankaiana and gasps. She has turned Lotus around to face the men, a light ball in her left hand as she clutches Lotus' mane with the other. And, as Naomi looks closer, she notices that Calankaiana are glowing a bright red.
"Is that fire?" Naomi asks.
"No, it's your first special attack." Alonsa answers
"What?" Naomi yells back.
Before Alonsa can respond, Naomi is gaping at Calankaiana as the ball in her hand grows larger and seems to be sparking like electricity.
"SEKHMET LIGHTNING INFERNO!" Calakainana yells as she thrusts the soccer-ball sized fire ball over her head towards the approaching men.
As it lands, the horses the men are on rear and panic, but it's too late to calm them. The ball hits one directly, a fire ball consuming him then sending shocks of lightning into his body, ultimately killing him.
"Who's Sekhmet?" Naomi asks.
"She's the goddess of fire, destruction, and war." Calankaiana answers.
"Wait, you can still see us?!" Naomi yells, surprised that Calankaiana answered her question.
"Yes, but I have been ignoring you so that no one starts to suspect that you are here." Calankaiana explains.
"Oh," Naomi says, finding the conversation with herself a little weird and awkward.
Suddenly, they hear galloping behind them. They each turn and gasp. Somehow though, the other two were uneffected and are still coming, surprising Naomi, Alonsa, and Calankaiana.
"Go! We cannot attack again, go! Go!" Calankaiana yells to Lotus, including Alonsa and Naomi.
"Why can't you just hit them with another of those fire balls?!" Naomi yells.
"I used a lot of my energy to make it. I thought I was hit all of them, so I had to make it more of a punch. I won't be able to make another attack for about 10 more minutes." Calankaiana says as she kicks at Lotus' side and turns her to gallop right past the other men, who quickly turn and begin to follow again.
"Well, that's just great." Naomi comments.
Then, Lotus' foot hits a uprooted rock and trips, sending Calankaiana flying off Lotus' right flank.
"Calankaiana!" Naomi yells as Calankaiana skids onto the ground, almost hitting the stable wall.
The men near, thrusting two swords in the air as Naomi realizes Calankaiana is unconscious.
"What do we do?! I don't feel like seeing myself die!!" Naomi yells as kneels over Calankaiana.
"Just wait!" Alonsa yells standing on the other side of Calankaiana.
"For what?! For them to plunge those swords into her heart?!" Naomi snaps back, unusually protective of Calankaiana.
Then sudden sound of panicked neighs and hard falls causes Naomi to turn and gasp. Both of the horsemen are laying on the ground, their horses laying on their sides.
"Stay away from the girl and leave at once!" Naomi hears a boy yell.
Suddenly a man, around Calankaiana's and Naomi's age, runs in front of Calankaiana, a sword in his hand.
"Who's that?" Naomi says.
Before Alonsa can answer, they notice Calankaiana beginning to come to.
"We need to leave, now!" Alonsa yells as she grabs Naomi wrists and thrusts her orange wings, sending them flying about 50 feet in the air.
"Why are you doing this?" Naomi yells.
"Just watch." Alonsa orders.
Naomi rolls her eyes as she looks back down at Calankaiana, who's now sitting up. The boy is now fighting one of the men with his sword as the other stands up. Realizing the situation, Calankaiana takes the handle of one of the swords the men had dropped and stands up. She runs over and thrusts her sword down over the open man's head, who quickly defends himself with another sword. Both Calankaiana and the boy step back to be back to back, holding their swords in front of them.
"Pounce them on three?" Calankaiana says.
"Good with me." the boy says.
The men beginning running at them, their swords over their heads.
"One." she says
"Two." he says
"Three!" they both say.
They both running at full speed and perry the men's attacks.
Within minutes, both of the men are on the ground, bleeding and pretty much dead. Calankaiana and the boy are panting, holding their blood stained swords tight in their fists.
"Well, I guess we won." the boy says.
"Yes, um, thank you for coming to my defense." Calankaiana says.
"It is alright, I hate it when men try to attack women when they aren't prepared for battle. It's ultimately disgracing."
"So you think girls shouldn't be allowed into battle?" Calankaiana says.
"No, I think anyone could be a great warrior. I just think it's wrong when you attack a girl who's done nothing to deserve it, that's all." he explains.
"Good answer." Calankaiana says as she begins to walk away.
Suddenly, an arm thrusts itself around her neck and turns her back towards the boy.
"Hey!" the boy yells, bringing his sword to his side.
"Put the sword down." a deep voice says as a knife comes to Calankaiana's neck.
The boy stops immediately, and the voice begins to chuckle darkly as he steps out of the shadows to reveal he's dark clothed man.
"If you do not do what I say, the girl dies." the man say, pressing the knife close to her skin, causing blood to trickle.
The sight of Calankaiana's blood causes the boy to immediately fume with anger, but he drops the sword anyway, and walks closer to the man.
"Stay still girl..." he says.
"What?" the cloaked man says.
Suddenly the older cloaked man jolts and releases Calankaiana, who is caught by the boy. From Naomi's angle, she just now sees a large dagger in the cloaked man's upper left side, where his heart is. He falls heavily to the ground as the boy thrusts the sword out of the man and jumps back a few feet. Calankaiana clutches the boy tightly and seems to be blushing. When Naomi sees his face, she knows why. He's cute.
He has shaggy blonde hair with bangs that fall handsomely over his green eyes. He's muscular, but not over muscular, and is about 6 feet tall.
"Dang, he's HOTT!" Naomi says as she floats lower down to get a better look.
"I thought you would say that." Alonsa says.
"Are you alright?" the boy asks as he sits Calankaiana down on the ground in the shade of a nearby palm tree.
"Uh, um, I am fine, just a scratch." she answers.
"That man made you bleed, I am sorry I did not see him before he-"
"It is alright, you won, did you not? I see you as a victor, not a fool." Calankaiana says as she moves some of the bangs from in front of his eyes, "I have met many men in my lifetime who would of let me die instead of help me. You are a hero in my eyes, remember that."
"Thank you." he says.
"What is your name?" she asks.
"I am Heru. I work as a stable hand for the Queen." he answers, "Who are you?"
"You do not know who I am?" Calankaiana says, surprise in her voice.
"No, should I?" Heru asks.
"No, of course not. Um, I am Monifa." Calankaiana says.
"What?! Monifa?" Naomi repeats.
"Monifa, huh?" Heru says.
"Wait, I cannot lie. I am Mukantagara." Calankaiana says.
"Mukantagara...wait a minute. That means that you are-" Heru thinks.
"Shh! Please keep your voice down." she says.
"I just saved the Queen." Heru says, "You are Queen Calankaiana."
"Yes." Calankaiana says, "I am sorry for disturbing you. Goodbye."
She begins to stand when Heru takes her wrists and gently pulls her back down.
"Wait, please." he says.
"What?" she asks she notices now holding her hand, causing her to blush.
"Why did you come down here by yourself?" he asks.
"Because I did not want my lady in waiting breathing down my neck about picking a husband." Calankaiana snaps.
Heru shuts up, and Calankaiana realizes what she's done.
"I am sorry, she is just getting on my nerves. I did not mean to yell at you. You have done nothing but help me today, please accept my apology." Calankaiana says.
"It is alright. I must get back to work, thank you." Heru says as he helps her up.
"Thank you, for what?" she asks.
"For letting me meet you. It was nice to meet a true caring girl for once who doesn't just care about her looks, and can actually act as her own person." Heru says as he walks away, not letting her hand go 'til the last second.
Calankaiana silently gasps as she watches him disappear with Lotus. She holds her hand close to her, her cheeks blushing insanely.
"Heru...," she says, then smiling, the wind beginning to blow, "You answered perfectly..."